Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Many Hats of Ollie and Cass

I spent an entire night searching for a photo of Cass or Ollie in their scuba mask and snorkel. I couldn't find one. Could not find one! How can that be? There was an entire month this summer, in which one of them had it on at almost all times. Ollie even tried to wear it to bed once. I feel desperately, achingly sad that I don't have a photo from this stretch. If my photos were real, tangible paper photographs, they would be strewn all over the house as scattered evidence of my manic search. Of course, I could stage a photo (and i probably will), but I'll know every time I look at it--even 20 years from now--that it's a fake, and it will inevitably remind me of this documentary failure. I did turn up a bundle of other photos with them wearing various head/face/eye gear. Ollie, in particular, loves masks, hats, helmets and any kind of eyewear. (Note: I could apply same rant to the fact that I do not have a better photo of Ollie in his favorite plastic fireman's hat. For shame. Tomorrow!)


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