Monday, May 29, 2006

Day 25: Baby Takes Whaaaa??

I never gave much consideration to whether or not Cass should be a binky baby. I was vaguely aware of cons (bad teeth, higer risk for ear infections, nipple confusion), but I recently read in one of the dozen or so parenting books given to me that it's downright cruel to prevent a baby from sucking when he needs comforted. And once he "found his lungs," as they say, I was willing to shell out any amount of money in orthodontia to soothe our poor lamb.

Ryan and I tried desperately, night after night, to get him to latch on to this legendary lifesaver. He responded by spitting it across the room--repeatedly and like he meant it. He screamed and gagged and called us names.

So when Grandpa Malibu asked if he could give Cass a pacifier, I think it's about as likely as if he wanted to take him outside to shoot some hoops. I respond in kind: "You can try, but he's not going to take it." Translation: "I don't want you to think I'm being a controlling, anti-pacifier mom, because I'm not. I'm totally laid-back. But I am freakishly in sync with my son, and he hates pacifiers."

As you'll see in the photo, Cass took the pacifier. He accepted the offering on the very first try, instantly falling into a perfect state of calm.. Though a little miffed that my casserole would back-stab me like this, I was soon overjoyed by the prospect of future pacifier usage. Unfortunately (and right in step with his budding streak of rebellion), this remains an isolated episode, and he continues to vehemently reject his parent's efforts to pacify with a pacifier.


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