Monday, October 05, 2009

Between the Lines

Cass: Mom, I can't color between the lines! I can't do this!

M: It's OK... you don't have to stay between the lines. It doesn't have to be perfect.

C: Yes it does. I want to be perfect!

M: Oh, you don't want to be perfect. That's not interesting. No one is perfect.

C: You are.

M: No, I'm not perfect.

C: Yes you are.

M: No, no one is perfect.

C: Are dinosaurs perfect?

M: Nope.

C: Is Superman?

M: Not even Superman is perfect.

C: Well, sometimes you're perfect.

M: You're right. Sometimes I am.


Anonymous Aunt Con said...

I wish I lived closer so I could get to know this sweet little soul.

7:56 PM  

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