Thursday, March 08, 2012

Magic Sweaters

A few notes about these matching Christmas sweaters:

1. They weren't both completely finished Christmas morning.

2. When I finally finished both--yarn ends tucked in and all--they didn't fit over their heads and I nearly gave up the needle forever. Do you have any idea how badly it sucks to spend two months making the most adorable sweaters, anticipation building with every ridiculously expensive skein of yarn, only to FINALLY finish them and the neck holes will not stretch over their heads, no matter how vigorously you try to pull, yank and rip apart? I'm surprised they are not terrorized by these hand-knit torture devices.

3. Once I finally pulled myself together and learned a better, looser cast-off (sorry for the technical details) from a friend, they did fit and are indeed as adorable as I imagined. The boys love them.

4. After wearing the sweater to school for the first time, Cass came home and lamented: "Mom, I have bad news: I can't fly!" I wrote a story for the boys for Christmas about two brothers whose mom made them magic sweaters that allowed them to fly. It seems silly in retrospect, but it never occurred to me that he might think there was some truth there.

5. The boys look identical in that first photo, above, don't they? And it has nothing to do with the sweaters. Look at those faces!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sweaters are adorable!! And, so are my boys!! Recent haircuts??

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Con said...

Your grandmother would be tickled,
and so proud! Good work Meggie

9:51 PM  

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