Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spotted: Baby Jesus in Frankenmuth!

"MOM! BABY JESUS! THERE IS BABY JESUS!!" was the first thing Cass shrieked when we pulled into the sprawling parking lot of Bronner's in Frankenmuth. And the first of many, many sightings--from street-side nativity scenes to oversized glass ornaments hanging on artificial tree displays--the decibel level of each exclamation exceeded the last. Curiously, Cass could not be more ecstatic about Baby Jesus. And it wasn't until I was done downloading these photos that I realized he is holding the Baby Jesus' hand in this manger scene.

Also during this especially magical outing to the Bavarian Christmas wonderland: Cass begged for (and was allowed to pick out and take home) a wooden nutcracker; told Santa he would like a toy snowflake for Christmas; got his first-ever Pez dispenser from the penny candy store (it wasn't a penny); and encountered a second, roaming Santa, immediately declaring, "His voice sounds very different."

The other day--with a raised eyebrow and a skeptical frown--Cass quizzed me: "Mom, how can Santa see all the boys and girls in the world all at the same time? Can he really do that? How is that even possible?" I'm glad we went to Frankenmuth this year... I can tell that this Santa business is not long for his world. Baby Jesus, on the other hand--Cass is just waiting until He's old enough for a playdate, so they can be best friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Penny and Cass had so much fun!!!Love his views on Baby Jesus....

12:38 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

I little imagination and you can make Santa last until junior high. Trust me on this!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Amy Bem said...

These pictures are wonderful! They make me think of our carriage ride?? Haha

8:46 PM  

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