Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Boring Glass Musuem

I took the boys to the Glass Pavilion and Toledo's art museum last week. After about five minutes, Ollie declared, "This is BORING!" And I had to agree. I was so excited to go, walk the grounds and see all the work they're doing in the glass-blowing shop, but woah, they don't spare anything in the boring department. Almost every single thing in the place is behind glass, and a bunch of guards were following us around to make sure the boys didn't lay a dirty finger on a single pane of it. Even the workshop presentation was behind a big gated-off area and the artist giving a demonstration was so far removed that she had to wear a headset microphone--which was extremely awkward since there were only about five of us in the audience. When the boys stood up and asked to leave, well, I said OK, let's get out of here. We had more fun goofing around outside, rolling in the grass, running up and down the stairs and climbing on all the sculptures, which were, thank god, not behind glass. We had a blast out there. It doesn't take much with these two goofballs.


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