Saturday, June 10, 2006

Weeks Four and Five: Cry Baby

This is what Cass has looked like for the past week or two. Just this face. Always crying, poor little guy. Everyone told me, "don't worry, that's what babies do; they cry." But we're talking intense screaming spells and body thrashing. It wasn't uncommon for these torture fests to last three or four hours. His little back-curling, fist-pounding, head-banging contortionist body is in a constant state of unrest . Ryan and I considered taking him to the emergency room during one particularly long and violent episode.

After a handful of doctor's appointments and one emergency after-hours phone consultation, he was diagnosed with acid reflux and an allergy to the protein in cow's milk. I can consume absolutely no dairy (including cheese pizza, cream cheese, ice cream, chocolate!) for at least six months. The upshot: I stand a chance of being one of those hated sorts who becomes absurdly skinny after childbirth. Oh, and of course, Cass will no longer be in intense chronic pain.


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