Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cass' First Halloween

Cass was a sweet and incredibly agreeable little garden gnome last night. There was no beard pulling (or eating). He didn't try to yank off his pointy hat, or show even the first sign of discomfort or anxiety about the whole glorious ensemble. He didn't try to kick off his wee sherpa-inspired boots, like he does his socks (natch: Whole Foods last weekend, when nearly every concerned shopper in the joint remarked, as if we were exposing his single bare foot to sub-zero winter storm conditions, that, holy crap!, he was missing a sock!! Call the DCFS!!!).

Curiously, however, Cass did show an intense fascination for the candy bowl. Leaning over the side of the bowl, sticking both hands in greedily and rifling like mad, Cass would throw pieces over his head like some sort of crazy gnome, eventually emerging with a single bar, which immediately went in his mouth. Perhaps the desire to devour miniature candy bars is as instictual as the rooting reflex. Something to think about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know how i feel about you guys encouraging little cass to be a keebler.

1:01 PM  

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