Nine Months and Change: A Learning Machine
Cass has now been outside my body for longer than he was inside. I guess this means he should be well-adjusted to the exterior world, providing explanation for all this rapid-fire motor and social development of late. Indeed, our boy is acquiring some serious skills. The last few weeks have seen a flurry of “firsts,” like first unassisted steps, first tooth, and first finger foods. Cass has learned to get down from standing position, jam his own spoon into his mouth, clap, wave bye-bye, and program the Tivo (although not all at the same time).
First Tooth
Confused by the consistency, Cass squeezes the avocado, and it oozes between his fingers, only making him tighten his grip.
First Steps
Transfering from one piece of furniture to the other, Cass grows confident. This same day, he takes his first one-two steps without holding onto anything at all.
First Spoon-to-Mouth Contact
In hindsight my reaction seems a bit inflated, but at the time, I felt like the cure to cancer was riding on that tiny rubber-coated spoon.
First Friend