Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today is my first Mother's Day with two kids. It's the first time I really feel like I deserve something for this silly little holiday: a trophy, a dinner prepared in my honor, a nap. To avoid sounding like a bitter, over-worked, over-tired maxed-out Super Mom, I'll spare the details of how my days fly by, blue streak-style, in a truly wild blaze of pancake flipping, fingernail clipping, breastfeeding, finger painting, diaper changing, fort building, car racing, dish washing, spit-up cleaning, just plain cleaning, rocking, swaying, sashaying, failed attempts at bed making, boo-boo kissing, flower picking, worm digging, kidding, broken-toy fiddling, book reading, make-believe creating, banana bread baking, unicorn waiting, lego stacking, snack doling, cajoling, pudgy leg squeezing...

...and once last week, photo shoot producing.