Thursday, August 31, 2006

17 Weeks: The Faces of a Future Senator

When our favorite politician (shout out to Sean O'Shea) sent this snuggly Future Senator hat, we wondered if he might be acting as a soothsayer of sorts. After all, Cass has been blessed with a gift for gab and handsome, All-American good looks. But everyone knows a career in politics can be as dirty as a soiled diaper. The Senator-in-Training shares some helpful tips.

Rule #1: When you don' t know an answer, look up, look innocent, and avoid all eye contact.

If you want to succeed in politics, better practice your Uh-Oh! Hand-Caught-in-the-Cookie-Jar face.

Nobody likes a filibuster! Know when to bite your lip (or your finger, your mom's finger, or your favorite stuffed animal).

A subtle variation of Rule #1, cast your eyes downward to portray deep contemplation. See, I'm my own little think tank.

This is a sure-fire lesson in how to lose the onesie off your back. As my good mentor taught me, never let them get a photo of you whooping it up!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Week 16: Sweet White Silky

Cass is quickly developing a very special relationship with his white silky-soft blankie. He has had other flings. There's the mint-green striped flannel blanket, lining his bassinet, that he licks and pets feverishly after being separated from it for any significant period of time. There's the light waffle-weave he likes to kick around in his stroller until he's completely tangled in something of a cocoon-ish web. But this blanket is different. He talks to it, cuddles it, sucks on it, strokes it lovingly, and eats it.

Pull blanket over face and coo. Apparently, this is quite enjoyable.

Our young musical protege practices his air guitar under the comfort of his favorite textile.

Uh-oh. Caught in the act. Cass frolics with another.

Don't worry, White Silky. That rough terry feels like sandpaper next to your ultra-smooth silkiness. See that #1 sign? I learned that just for you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

14 Weeks: The Chronicles of Super Baby, Installation #1: SB Battles Cradle Cap

Cass comes down with The Cap (baby dandruff), and I am mortified. He's not exactly thrilled about wearing a Selson Blue helmet either, even though we think he looks hilarious as a punk rock baby.

Super Baby, fanning out his spetacular garb, decides to make his rescue mission debut.

Only the silky cape feels so good...if I could just have one more minute to fondle and lick the delicious fabric...

Then I will burn off the cradle cap with my laser beams, which merely resemble "red eye" to the common folk.

Ha! I am valiant. I am victorious. I am Super Baby! And I must remember to turn off my laser beams, so I don't scorch my parents when I gaze at them lovingly.

Here I am, cradle cap-free, protecting my identity as a super hero with the all-consuming appreciation of a helpless baby.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

13 Weeks: Three-Month Birthday Milestones

As Cass continues to hold the World Champion Title in Sleeping and Cuteness (with only minor setbacks in the former, but making up for it in the latter), he has also hit some very significant milestones, just in time for his 3-month birthday today. According to my abudnant collection of baby development literature, most of these milestones have arrived on the freakishly early side.

Why limit yourself to one finger or a thumb? Here, Cass demonstrates how he can stick his entire fist into his mouth.

Feeling camera-shy, Cass didn't quite make the turn this time. But his first official roll-over occured Wednesday, Aug. 3, one day before he turned 3 months.

Eshewing the obvious blue-for-boys color palette, Cass displays a remarkable sense of style and fearless individuality when he selects the cutest bibb at the entire craft fair!

Cass learns to adroitly shield himself from the paparazzi.

Truly ahead of the pack, Cass is already leading an all-male exercise class in the park.

Cass learns to flip the bird.