Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Young Bob Dylan?

He has the beard, circa early '70s (channeling Self Portrait) and the intensity

A brooding activist, our little Tambourine Toddler

With a love for books and the harmonica

Cass just learned to play the harmonica, and he won't put it down. Surely, all this slobbery blowing will get old, but for now, it's pretty adorable--and surprisingly decent-sounding for a 20-month-old. A couple outtakes:

Friday, January 11, 2008

Virtual, Belated Christmas Card

If we had our act together enough to send glossy Christmas postcards plastered with Cass in a cute little Christmas outfit, you would have already seen these photos.

My paternal grandmother, Mildred, whom I never got the chance to meet, made this sweater set for his first grandchild, Ben. My dad's sister gave it to me when Cass was born.

I actually do know how to crop...I just like that plug.

"Whoa!" This is Cass' reaction to most everything this holiday season: a mix of suspicion, controlled glee and utter disbelief.